The Carbon Cycle

The carbon cycle is a biogeochemical cycle that represents the exchange of carbon (C) between different reservoirs on Earth, such as the atmosphere, biosphere, oceans and rocks. It is a critical part of the Earth system that is required to sustain life and regulate climate. The carbon cycle can be subdivided into a short-term cycle and a long-term cycle, which operate on different spatial and temporal scales.

Short-term carbon cycle
The short-term cycle involves carbon transfer between the atmosphere, biosphere and oceans on timescales of days to tens of thousands of years. Carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere is taken up by plants on the continents or by phytoplankton in the oceans through photosynthesis, during which it is transformed into organic matter and oxygen (O2). Over time, plants and phytoplankton may be eaten by higher organisms, but eventually their organic matter will be respired. Respiration is the reverse process of photosynthesis and consumes O2 and produces CO2, which is often associated with microbes. The processes of photosynthesis and respiration may be expressed as follows:

CO2 + H2O <-> CH2O + O2

On land, carbon may also be transferred to soils by the falling of leaves, the death of plants and the development of soil biota. This soil carbon may is subsequently transported to the oceans in dissolved form by rivers. Gas exchange between the oceans and atmosphere completes the short-term carbon cycle.

Long-term carbon cycle
The long-term carbon cycle involves carbon transfer between the atmosphere, biosphere, oceans and rocks on timescales of millions of years. It consists of two subsycles: the silicate-carbonate subcycle and the organic subcycle.

In the silicate-carbonate subcycle, silicate rocks on the continents (CaSiO3) are subjected to chemical weathering over time, which consumes CO2 from the atmosphere. Rivers deliver the dissolved minerals to the oceans, where they are reprecipitated by biological activity as marine silicates and carbonates (SiO2 and CaCO3, respectively) and eventually buried in the geological record. These sedimentary rocks are ultimately returned to Earth’s surface through subduction, volcanism and metamorphism, which releases CO2 back to the atmosphere and results in the formation of new silicate rocks. These processes may be expressed as follows:

CaSiO3 + CO2 <-> CaCO3 + SiO2

In the organic subcycle, photosynthesis and respiration result in carbon transfer on geological timescales. Organic matter is eventually buried in sedimentary rocks, such as shales and coals, which consumes CO2 from the atmosphere. Old sedimentary rocks enriched in organic matter may become subjected to chemical weathering on the continents over time, which releases CO2 back to the atmosphere.

The long-term carbon cycle is able to exchange massive amounts of carbon between rocks and the other reservoirs on geological timescales. As a consequence, it governs atmospheric CO2 concentrations and regulates global surface temperatures and climate. Moreover, major perturbations of the carbon cycle are shown to have greatly affected life on Earth in the geological past, for example during mass extinctions.

Information source: Berner, R. A. (2004). The Phanerozoic Carbon Cycle: CO2 and O2. Oxford University Press.

Image: Paraná pines at sunrise in Serra da Bocaina National Park, Brazil. Credit: Heris Luiz Cordeiro Rocha, Wikimedia Commons.

El Niño Southern Oscillation

The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is an irregular, recurring climate change phenomenon that is associated with variations in sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. It is caused by changes in the strength and direction of the Walker circulation, which governs zonal and vertical atmospheric circulation between the tropical eastern and western Pacific Ocean. The ENSO is characterized by a warming phase called El Niño (‘the boy’ in Spanish) and a cooling phase called La Niña (‘the girl’ in Spanish). By affecting the distribution of heat and precipitation across the Pacific Ocean, the ENSO is able to greatly influence weather and climate in many regions around the world.

The Walker circulation generally arises from a high air pressure system above the eastern Pacific Ocean near South America and a low air pressure system above the western Pacific Ocean near Indonesia and Australia. Under normal conditions, easterly equatorial winds result in the development of a warm water pool towards the western Pacific.

An El Niño may occur when the Walker circulation weakens or reverses, resulting in a lower air pressure above the eastern Pacific and a higher air pressure above the western Pacific. During El Niño, the Pacific warm water pool moves east towards South America and the surface waters of the eastern Pacific warm up as the upwelling of colder deep waters is reduced. Therefore, an El Niño is characterized by warmer and wetter climates in South America and colder and drier climates in Indonesia and Australia.

A La Niña may occur when the Walker circulation grows especially strong. During La Niña, the Pacific warm water pool moves further west towards Indonesia and Australia and the surface waters of the eastern Pacific cool down as the upwelling of colder deep waters is enhanced. As a consequence, a La Niña is characterized by colder and drier climates in South America and warmer and wetter climates in Indonesia and Australia.

El Niño and La Niña may vary in duration and intensity, but each phase generally lasts one to a few years. Extreme shifts of the ENSO may result in severe floods or droughts and may therefore have a large impact on society. Because the occurrence of El Niño and La Niña is irregular, the ENSO is difficult to predict longer than a year in advance.

Information source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Image: El Niño sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly in the eastern Pacific Ocean on December 24th, 2015. Credit: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).


Auroras are a natural light phenomenon related to charged particles of solar winds that impact the Earth’s atmosphere at high altitude. Auroras are formed by ionization of atmospheric particles when solar winds result in significant disturbances of the magnetosphere. Subsequently, the energy of these particles is lost to the atmosphere, which emits light in different colors and intensities. Auroras may occur in several forms, but are known best for their green and red bands that illuminate the sky. They can be observed at high latitudes in the Arctic, where they are called Aurora Borealis or the Northern Lights, as well as in the Antarctic, where they are called Aurora Australis or Southern Lights.

Information source: Encyclopaedia Brittannica, Wikipedia

Image: Aurora Borealis as seen from Bear Lake, Alaska, USA. Credit: US Air Force/Joshua Strang.


Mars is the second smallest planet in the Solar System and the fourth planet from the Sun. It has a mean radius of ~ 3390 km, a mean distance to the Sun of ~ 228 million km and an orbital period of ~ 687 Earth days. Mars is a terrestrial planet with a reddish color, which is related to dust and rocks at its surface that are enriched in iron oxides. The planet is surrounded by a thin atmosphere and is characterized by impact craters, volcanoes, valleys as well as polar ice. Mars is also known for Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the Solar System, and Valles Marineris, one of the largest canyons in the Solar System.

Information source: NASA

Image: Mars and the Valles Marineris as seen from the Viking 1 Orbiter. Source: NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory-Caltech.


Quartz is a major silicate mineral that consists of a series of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra in which each oxygen atom is shared, resulting in the chemical formula SiO2. It is the second most abundant mineral in Earth’s continental crust and it is relatively hard (Slavic ancestors of the German word quarz translate to “hard” in English). Quartz is often colorless but there are many different varieties in different colors, including semi-precious gemstones such as amethyst, citrine and chalcedony.

Information source:

Image: Quartz crystals found in the USA. Credit: Parent Géry, Wikimedia Commons.


Mercury is the smallest of the eight planets in the Solar System, with a mean radius of ~ 2440 km, a mean distance to the Sun of ~ 58 million km and an orbital period of ~ 88 Earth days. Mercury is a terrestrial planet with a surface characterized by impact craters and basaltic lava plains, similar to Earth’s Moon. Because it is the closest planet to the Sun and has almost no atmosphere, Mercury experiences the largest variations in surface temperatures of all planets in the Solar System.

Information source: NASA

Image: Mercury as seen from MESSENGER. Source: NASA/John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington.


Diamond is a gemstone that consists entirely of carbon (C). It is typically colorless and is the hardest natural mineral on Earth because of its very dense crystal structure (the Greek word adamas translates to ‘unbreakable’ in English). It is formed at high temperatures and pressures in the mantle and as a result it is metastable at Earth’s surface. Diamond is a precious stone commonly used in jewelry, together with sapphire, ruby and emerald.

Information source:

Image: White diamond crystal found in South Africa. Source: Parent Géry, Wikimedia Commons.


Emerald is a gemstone variety of the mineral beryl (Be3Al2(SiO3)6). It generally has a green color (the Greek word smaragdos translates to ‘green gem’ in English), which is related to the presences of trace amounts of chromium or vanadium in the mineral structure. Emerald is a precious stone commonly used in jewelry, together with sapphire, ruby and diamond.

Information source:

Image: Emerald crystals found in Colombia. Source: Parent Géry, Wikimedia Commons.


Ruby is a gemstone variety of the aluminum oxide mineral corundum (Al2O3). The red color from which its name is derived (the Latin word ruber translates to ‘red’ in English) is related to the presence of trace amounts of chromium in the mineral structure. Ruby is a precious stone commonly used in jewelry, together with sapphire, emerald and diamond.

Information source:

Image: Ruby crystals found in Vietnam. Source: Parent Géry, Wikimedia Commons.


Sapphire is a gemstone variety of the aluminum oxide mineral corundum (Al2O3). It often has a blue color (the Greek word sappheiros translates to ‘blue stone’ in English), which is the result of the incorporation of trace amounts of iron in the mineral structure. Sapphire is a precious stone commonly used in jewelry, together with ruby, emerald and diamond.

Information source:

Image: Sapphire crystals found in Pakistan. Source: Parent Géry, Wikimedia Commons.

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